This post is work in progress
Premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming — Donald Knuth
Important ⚠️
- Disclaimer, all code provided here is under GPLv3, use at it your own risk.
- Google is your friend :)
- The idea of using a tag to compile tikz is inspired by this snippet
- I hope that this post someday becomes obsolete
Introduction 🚀
The objective of this post is to include tikz code in Markdown files that is rendered as an image. This is done in a way that the results are available on-the-fly on the webpage. It’s easy to work with, it doesn’t need external programs and the distraction is minimal.
The idea to do this is to create a custom tag in Jekyll that takes the code, compiles it and then replaces tikz code with an HTML image tag of the graphics. The graphics format is SVG to have the maximum quality. It also allows to render inline and reuses and avoids unneeded recompilations, as you can see on the src of two previous “Latex” images.
More examples: , , (Inline ).
Or plots using TikZ:
My solution is different than the snippet proposal: First, this solution is able to compile any kind of , takes advantage of new multiline features and keeps the official docker jekyll/jekyll image to compile the blog, it also prevents unnecessary compilations.
Requirements of my solution:
- I want the part to be completely independent from the Jekyll.
- I want to compile the images only when it’s really needed.
- I don’t want the images in the Git repo.
- When I’m writting my blog I don’t want to manually call the latex compiler.
Solution ✨
This solution assumes that you are using jekyll/jekyll official docker image and docker-compose to run the local server. However, it should be easy to adapt it to other workflows.
The idea is to have another container in docker-composer that only compiles the graphics code when files change. This is important as compiling images is a cpu-intensive task.
First create a Ubuntu based Docker image with Latex installed and packages inotify-tools and pdf2svg. This docker will run a script forever waiting for modified .tex files using inotify and each time that a file changes will convert it to pdf and then from pdf to svg using pdf2svg.
Custom Jekyll tag 🔨
The only purpose of this tag is to create tex files that then will be compiled by the other container. The Jekyll container does not know anything about the compiling process, but it must know where are the images to create the refs.
There is a small trick to avoid unnecessary recompiling of the images. If there are two latex blocks that have the same code and the same name (this also happens at each ‘save’ of the post) the image doesn’t need to be updated. To avoid it, we add the md5sum of the tex to the svg filename, then before compiling we can know beforehand if the result will be the same.
The code of this tag is easy, just create a tikz.rb
on the _plugins
folder on the root of the Jekyll installation. And adapt the following code as you want:
require 'digest/md5'
module Jekyll
module Tags
class Tikz < Liquid::Block
def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
@fname = fname.strip
.gsub(/[^\w\s_-]+/, '')
.gsub(/(^|\b\s)\s+($|\s?\b)/, '\\1\\2')
.gsub(/\s+/, '_')
def render(context)
@latex = %Q{
... [latex/tikz packages] ...
dtikz = File.join(Dir.pwd, "_tikz") # dir of tex, pdf files
dsvg = File.join(Dir.pwd, "assets", "svg") # dir of public svg files
FileUtils.mkdir_p dtikz
FileUtils.mkdir_p dsvg
ftex = File.join(dtikz, "#{@fname}.tex"), 'w') { |file| file.write("#{@latex}") }
@md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@latex)
@imgsrc = File.join("/assets", "svg", "#{@fname}-#{@md5}.svg")
"<img width='100%' src=\"#{@imgsrc}\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" />"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('latex', Jekyll::Tags::Tikz)
A couple of things: The latex document type is standalone, this crops the resulting output file to the content, which is what we want. The parameter varwidth enables the paragraph mode (multiline). tex and intermediary latex files are inside the _tikz folder, the svg assets are in assets/svg. You can customize the img tag with css.
Each time that a markdown file is processed, the tex files are created and the code is replaced by an HTML img tag.
Latex container for compiling tex files 🔨
You can create the Ubuntu container as you want, just make sure to install inotify-tools and pdf2svg and share the blog directory to the container, in this case it’s mounted on /srv/jekyll
The following script, that should be run by the container at initialization, converts tex files generated in the previous section to svg, to do so you can use something like the following:
# Monitor tex files and compile them
while IFS=$'\n' read line; do
event=$(echo $line | awk -F '<@>' {'print $1'})
dir=$(echo $line | awk -F '<@>' {'print $2'})
file=$(echo $line | awk -F '<@>' {'print $3'})
if [[ $file == *.tex ]]; then
fname=$(basename -- "$file")
new_md5=($(md5sum "$dir$file"))
if [[ ! -f "$fsvg" ]]; then
echo "[$fname] with hash {"$new_md5"} compiling"
(pdflatex -output-directory "$dir" "$file" && \
pdf2svg "$fpdf" "$fsvg")&
done < <(inotifywait -m -r -e modify --format "%e<@>%w<@>%f" /srv/jekyll/_tikz)
Here we are using an infinite loop that awaits inotifywait for any file change. If the file is a tex file, then we call pdflatex with -output-directory to create a PDF for each image then it is converted to svg using pdf2svg.
Usage 🛠️
I’m currently doing <span class="inline-latex">{% latex latex %}\LaTeX{% endlatex %}</span>
for including inline latex, with the following css properties
.inline-latex {
display: inline-flex;
height: 20px;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
For large equations or images I’m currently using:
<div class="block-latex">
{% latex figure %}
{% endlatex %}
With the following properties:
.block-latex {
margin: 0 auto 5px auto;
width: 50%;
&.large {
width: 80%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
&.large {
width: 100%;
width: 100%;
This is inside an scss file (Works seamlessly with Jekyll)
To do 🔭
Clean unused files: Generated images are never deleted. For now I will clean this up by removing the directory and regenerating everything. However, it’s possible to filter them using the hash of the tex files and removing unmatching files.
Images are not unique per post, so don’t repeat names, this is not a bug, it’s a feature 😉
Simple and working! See you soon, I hope this gives you some ideas. :)